Our In-depth online resources will equip you with the knowledge you need to start offering our state of the art video monitoring services.
American Guardian is proud to provide security for the following industries:
  • Oil / Gas production and distribution
  • Public utility facilities
  • Boarder protection
  • Car manufacturing and dealership
  • Cargo and storage protection
  • Building supplies
  • Construction site protection
  • Military base security
American Guardian
Provides Industry’s leading solution to protect
Off - Duty
Out - Door
Benefits for dealers, end user
Each of our state-of-the-art electronic security equipment is installed by a network of certified security professionals. We're dedicated to make new, innovative and reliable technology to power the most secure and intelligent solutions available. Don't settle for a poor system design, bad service or get locked in extra billing that you shouldn't be billed for. Our continued-growing networks for security professionals will ensure that you get the local care you need.

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